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My Blogging Manifesto

Portrait of author
Manifesto (noun): A public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions.

I have five full decades of life experience under my belt - enough to know that I'll need to operate under some kind of overarching framework if I want to keep this blogging show on the road for a decent length of time.

Here's what I've decided so far. It's good enough for now; I'll revisit after 4 months to see if I need to change anything.

The purpose of this blog

It’s an act of self-expression. I like the process of writing, I like sharing information, and I like messing about with internet technologies. If that leads to interesting conversations with like-minded others then all the better! 🎉

Topics I will write about

I'll write about whatever happens to interest me at the time of writing.

On care for myself

  1. This is a hobby. As such, I give myself permission to have fun with what I write, and not chase perfection at the cost of not publishing.
  2. Having said that, I will write with integrity i.e. write what I believe, on the basis of facts that I know, and opinions that I hold, at the time of writing. I will revise posts, or add subsequent clarification posts, if my beliefs have changed.
  3. I will try to publish at least one post every fortnight. To make this more likely I'll add potential topics to an ideas backlog as and when they arise, and I'll schedule blocks of time in my calendar to remind me to write.

On care for my readers

  1. I won't ever gather information about my website visitors, or track what they read here.
  2. If a reader ever provides me their contact details, for whatever reason, I will never abuse that trust by spamming them or disclosing their details to others. I will delete their contact details when they are no longer required for the purpose they were provided.